All people communicate with one of the Twelve Archetypes of Communication. After having identified what there are over 14 years ago I have realized that none need adding and none can be removed. Each person makes up a combination of these 12 when they communicate and it is only to the extent of mastery and flexibility that you see the power of a communicator. You do not need to master all twelve to be very effective however the more you are willing to step up and grow by reaching deep into all twelve archetypes will you really be able to communicate with everybody on the planet and touch, move and inspire them they way they need to be communicated with.  

Clinton Swaine, CEO

Clinton is the Founder and CEO of Frontier Trainings, the world leader in experiential business trainings and creator of over 200 experiential games.
Tap into the Twelve Archetypes of Commmunication 

 TransBeing - Dates and Times

Day 1 - 27th Sept 2024 09:00 AM - 11:00 PM - US Pacific Time

Day 2 - 28th Sept 2024 08:00 AM - 11:00 PM - US Pacific Time

Day 3 - 29th Sept 2024 08:00 AM - 09:00 PM - US Pacific Time

To attend you need to commit being there for the entire event. The skills taught build upon one another and involve group and team activities. There is a one hour lunch break and dinner break although these are to get a quick bite and work on the home work given for the breaks. It is intensive, but prepare for explosive growth.
Along my journey of exploring mastery in communication I began to look at different communicators and what energy they tap in to get their message across. As I studied full body communication and expression and gestures and movement you could see why some ballerinas are able to express through dance while others simply are technically magnificent. I started looking at how people captivate an audience, how they command and build trust as well as captivate and hold the audience on the edge of their seats. 

As I began pulling the list together of Communication Archetypes different ones were added and when I got to twelve I could not find another archetype that needed to be there. I let it sit for six months before I ran the course to ensure none had slipped my mind. Over the years since I created this course, it always blows me away. Watching people stretch and grow themselves into areas they never explored before is uplifting and transformational, and regularly brings me to tears. 

In this course the students get to dive deep by dressing up for each archetype. How deep they choose to go is up to them but I advise to spend the money and buy a costume you can proud of. One you can pour your energy and heart into that will allow you to dive deeply and experience yourself in the purity of the archetype. 

In addition to a costume, students also need to come up with a unique name, 5 beliefs that help define who they are in the world and then to write a biography of at least half a page detailing who this person is, how they up, what motivated them to go down this path, what challenges did they face, how long did it take to achieve mastery. Also what were their greatest accomplishments, what are they looking at doing going forward and what breaks their heart. As you can see diving that deep into an identity could be a page or more. What I find is the more we dive into an identity the easier is it to immerse oneself and gain more value from the exercises. 

If you want to stretch and grow and tap into areas you have never explored before then join us for TransBeing and change your life. See you there.
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